BanqIn, a a sub-brand of Bank-Genie, a software technology provider, is an instant all-in-one digital core banking platform do drive greater financial inclusion.
In the micro-finance world some of the key barriers BanqIn addresses are:
Manual processes are time consuming and prone to human error.
Technology was perceived to be expensive.
There was a basic inertia to transformation and micro-finance companies were not up to speed with the digital eco-system.
There was a limit to how far and how many customers a financial provider can reach.
There was no real time visibility and knowledge of consumer behaviour.
Some processes were fragmented and lacked integration.
From a brand view, the role of the brand was to provide technology that liberated the process and be deeply invested in the idea of ‘empowering everyone’. From a product view it needed to enable instant access, be cost effective, seamless and simple, be efficient with the ability to reach more people for micro-finance institutions. Based on the promise the brand blue-print was shaped and developed which included the naming, vision, mission, values and identity.